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  • Writer's picturemahtesham406

The brutal reality of life without sleep...

One of the many things I want to improve about myself is my health. This not only includes eating well and doing some exercise, but getting a decent amount of sleep. My time at university involved many 24 hour plus stints awake due to my night job, day job and occasional need to study. This led to the terrifying discovery that I only needed a minimum three hours of sleep a day to be somewhat functional, and with 9am lectures after a shift ending at 4am, that was the only option I really had available to me.

When I started my job I said that it would all change and I would get the covered 8-10 hours of sleep each night, It was a strong start of 10 hours each night meaning I was up for work super early and down for the count by half nine most evenings. I began to start feeling bad about my life and started staying up a little bit longer to watch some TV, with knowing that even eight or nine hours of sleep was still pretty great. Well I’m sure you can all tell were this is going, but I now average 6-8 hours each night, and it’s working quite well. I am feeling more refreshed in general and have managed to go from seven cups of coffee a day, sometimes even none!

However, the worry I have is that when I return to university I’ll have no idea on how to keep up this nice schedule. It will be quite some time before my new timetable is released but I am sure there will be some late starts, three hour gaps between lectures, or a completely empty day once a week. That’s to no fault of the university as it is quite difficult to timetable all the different modules across schools and necessary rooms (I’ve had some long meetings about timetabling in my time!). Figuring out how to create a steady working time each day was something I really struggled with my first and second year, particularly with my nights being so busy during the week.

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