No man who respects his mother or loves his sister can speak disparagingly of any woman; I
want every man to remember this. Every woman is, or, at some time, has been a sister or
daughter. Victoria Claflin Woodhull Martin,Tried As By Fire; or, The True and the False,
Who has not heard of or read any of the famous Harry Potter Series, teenagers favorite. When I
say teenager I mean both Girls and Boys. I was dismayed upon hearing the fact that J.K Rolling
the legendry author was suggested not to use her full name in the title Page instead to use J.K,
because considering a female author will not make her as successful as a male author with the
same sort of unparalleled masterpiece of writings. Is that because she is a female and her books
can become the hot favorite of not only teenagers but young adult’s world over. Gender equality
is far from attaining because we are unable to understand that females are more worthy then
men. What most of us don’t understand is the fact that “Fe” in females stand for Ferrum in Latin.
We all know periodic table word Ferrum means iron. So Females basically means iron male.
My mother my role model is not only a strong women but also a very strong advocate of women
empowerment and justice. Since the time I remember my mom has always been into social work,
besides her career. She taught me the meaning of equality, justice and how to be decent gentle
man towards not only women but everyone in the society. I learned all that at a very early age,
which a normal person would not learn till school.
Lady Justice wears a blind fold so she views all people equal. But the powerful segment of our
society views it as if women wearing blindfold because she is blind to see the injustice taking
place. Every day we see and hear a number of disturbing stories, where women are victims and
tons of crimes against women ranging from domestic abuse, trafficking, rape, emotional trauma
acid attacks, and the list goes on.Inequality against women range from most severe crimes to
social injustice in daily life.Women in our society are victims of severe crimes, social injustice
and unfair treatment in all walks of life.
Walking past the streets of interior Sind in Pakistan, the walls of the village life smell of women
“criminals” and many other victims of self-proclaimed justice called Karo Kari.There are a
number of cases go unheard against innocent girls such cases, where young girls are declared
Kari and are killed. I came to hear of a case in which a poor father ran away with his 13 years old
daughter from Dadu (Sind) and came to police station in Karachi, to escape the inhuman justice
being done to his daughter. She was declared a Kari for a crime that she never committed. Her
father cried in tears “I just know that I can’t let my daughters die like others I have seen”.
Who don’t remember the brave daughter of nation in India falling in the hands of evil beasts in a
bus a few years ago, which disturbed almost every corner of the world.
One gets Goosebumps, to hear and see the endless harm inflicted to the delicate segment of our
society. According to HRCP report every year on average 1000 women fall prey to the endless
crimes of society in Pakistan, in the name of honor killing, dovery, acid attacksand related
crimes. Most of them under the age of 18.
This is not about Pakistan only, South Asia, Middle East, Africa and Central American republics
are the worst places to be, for women. Governments in these countries are under pressure from
Human Rights commission, UN Women and many other organizations working for the welfare
of masses to realize the significance of gender inequality and take steps to bridge the gap. The
annual Gender Gap Index according to Geneva Based World Economic Forum Ranks Pakistan at
the bottom amongst other Asian Countries where women are destined to live in worst conditions.
Much is being done to end the abuse against women and bridge the gender gap. We as a society
need to realize that women are the iron blocks on which human race is build. Women need to be
included in all fields of life and let them express themselves and use their full potential to bring
all the positive change in society to make it a better place to live for all.
In the words of Abbas Nasir, one of the famous editors of Dawn ‘it isn’t difficult to imagine
what our society will look like given where our women have got to despite endless obstacles in
their path whether in the name of culture tradition or most ominously religion. Ability and
potential, not gender bias, will determine our future.